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Provide automated remote patient monitoring, telemedicine, delivery, and a germ-free environment for your patients and personnel using data-driven smart robots.

Integrating robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) into hospital facilities provides a variety of substantial benefits. In the area of cleaning technology, continuous advancements over the past decade have aimed at enhancing efficiency through autonomous cleaning solutions. Likewise, AI-driven guidance and delivery robots have developed to provide personalized, intuitive assistance, boosting the productivity of medical staff while enriching the patient experience. Collectively, these innovations are pivotal to the ongoing transformation of healthcare environments.

The temi V3 can welcome individuals to the hospital and guide them to the right room. A remote agent can operate the temiV3 robot, offering a virtual concierge service to patients and translating between doctors and patients. Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) technology through the temiV3 robot will enhance care. The temiV3 serves as the foundation for vCare clinical applications.

temi V3

The Keenon T9 Pro serves as an excellent solution for delivering food, beverages, and other items to patient rooms or throughout the hospital.

An autonomous point-to-point delivery system will flawlessly move the items from point A to point B and continue to the next task. It is fully controlled by on-screen commands.

Keenon T9

Phantas comes with a new feature: an integrated handle that offers a seamless transition between Auto and Manual modes through handle position detection. Its ergonomic handle design makes transportation easy, supported by the power assistance system, while intuitive hard buttons ensure smooth operation. 


Keenon W3 is the ideal solution for securely delivering items to patient rooms or throughout the hospital.

An autonomous point-to-point delivery system will flawlessly move the items from point A to point B and continue to the next task. It is fully controlled by on-screen commands.

Keenon W3

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